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January 2025

How can I be happy when the future is so uncertain? “Blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.” Matthew 13:16 Every generation talks about the “good ole days.” As we embark on a new year, many people would be more than happy to go back to the “good ole days” of years ago. Today, stock market swoons, foreclosures, and unemployment are all too common. Grumbling and complaining occur as many people find it difficult to provide for their personal needs. These things, along with other personal struggles, may make us long for the “good ole days.” Amidst all the turmoil, even when nest eggs crack and portfolios decline, we can still move forward with certainty that all of our needs will be met. Why? Because Jesus has met all of our true needs and promises to provide for our future! Jesus came into the world so that we can be happy every day with the kind of joy that only he can provide. He blesses us and makes us happy by the powerful things he accomplished in our place: he lived a perfect life as our substitute; he died on the cross to win forgiveness of sins for each of us; and he won the victory over sin, death, and the devil by his triumphant resurrection from the grave. God tells us about all these blessings in the Bible. In his written Word, God’s plan for our future is laid out, and we are informed about how Jesus fulfilled God’s saving will for us. Jesus said, “Blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.” Our Savior teaches us that we can be happy as we give attention to God’s love, as it is described and explained for us on the pages of the Bible. Jesus’ work is not limited to the spans of generations; it is a gift to all people for all time. God’s faithfulness to his world of people has remained the one constant since he created all things. Trusting in his love, we can overcome the concerns we have due to personal circumstances. We can be truly happy because we see in the Bible how our Savior gave his life for us and how he is now preparing for us an eternal home in heaven, the place of unbridled joy. God invites everyone to hear the good news of Jesus and celebrate the wonderful message of salvation. With that confidence, we do not have to look back to the “good ole days” for a sense of happiness but rather look forward to the eternal happiness that awaits us in heaven—all because of God’s great love for us in Jesus!