Luke 24:44-53

May 21, 2020

Ascension Blessings

Luke 24:44–53 (EHV)

44He said to them, “These are my words, which I spoke to you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms.”

45Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. 46He said to them, “This is what is written and so it must be: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, 47and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. 48You are witnesses of these things. 49Look, I am sending you what my Father promised. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.”

50He led them out as far as the vicinity of Bethany. He lifted up his hands and blessed them. 51And while he was blessing them, he parted from them and was taken up into heaven. 52So they worshipped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. 53They were continually in the temple courts, praising and blessing God. Amen.

Beloved of the Lord,

The words from Luke give an account of the Ascension of the Lord. The Christian Church has been celebrating the Ascension at least since the 4th century. For 16 centuries Christians have come together to remember and praise God for the Ascension of Jesus Christ.

Sadly, the celebration of Ascension has fallen by the wayside and is often forgotten or given minimal acknowledgement. It is unfortunate when the Christian Church neglects the Ascension of Jesus for we then miss out on some wonderful promises and comforting truths the Ascension of Jesus brings us.

The Ascension of Our Lord tells us that Christ is working in and through His Church by the preaching and teaching of the gospel. Jesus tells them: “This is what is written and so it must be: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations.” All of the Bible, all of God’s plan for humanity, is focused on the suffering Christ. Not a glory Christ, but a suffering Christ. Because that is what it would take to accomplish God’s plan of salvation. It takes the suffering and death of God’s only Son to atone for our sins and achieve our salvation. Nothing less would do.

Too often the Ascension of Jesus is viewed as the day Jesus leaves this earth and us. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Yes, His visible presence has been removed but the Lord is still very much with us. He is with us in His Word and Sacraments. 

When we point to where Jesus is, we do not point to some cloud in the sky but to the Word and to the Sacraments. In His Word, He fulfills His promise to abide with us that we may abide in Him. In His Word and Sacraments, He continues to deliver the fruits of His atoning death and life-giving resurrection. In His Word and Sacraments the Church gathers, and pours out the water that gives new birth; the voices of our pastors pronounce Holy Absolution and our sins fall away; we receive the bread and wine that feed us His flesh for life and His blood that cleanses us from all sin. Ascension is key to this.

Brothers and sisters, our ascended Lord has left nothing out. He has arranged everything in the Church to deliver to you the forgiveness of sins and to keep you strong in the saving faith. Likewise, He rules over all things for the good of His Church, and for our good– for the good of each and every one of us. 

Not only has He won our forgiveness and salvation by his death and resurrection, but His ascension shows that He has not left us on our own in these last days before He returns. Jesus has not gone away and forgotten His dear children. Rather, He has ascended into heaven for the very purpose of being with His followers all around the world, in all times and at all places. And He does this in and through the work of the Church.

Ascension is important to our faith, even though many congregations no longer celebrate the Ascension. Christ has not left us or abandoned us, His dear children. He has ascended to fulfill all. For the promise of His ascension is that we too ascend in Him and to Him, from despair to hope, from sin to holiness, from wounds to healing, from weariness to renewal, from weakness to strength, from death to life. Amen.

Go, My Children, with My Blessing


1 Draw us to Thee,
For then shall we
Walk in Thy steps forever
And hasten on
Where Thou art gone
To be with Thee, dear Savior.

2 Draw us to Thee,
Lord, lovingly;
Let us depart with gladness
That we may be
Forever free
From sorrow, grief, and sadness.

3 Draw us to Thee;
Oh, grant that we
May walk the road to heaven!
Direct our way
Lest we should stray
And from Thy paths be driven.

4 Draw us to Thee
That also we
Thy heav’nly bliss inherit
And ever dwell
Where sin and hell
No more can vex our spirit.

5 Draw us to Thee
Into Thy kingdom take us.
Let us fore’er
Thy glory share;
Thy saints and joint heirs make us.