Outreach/Activity Committee
The Outreach/Activity Committee was established to plan social events for the congregation. These events are open to all, members and non-members of Immanuel. The events are focused with the family in mind. Some of the activities include our Annual Fall Festival, Movie Night with refreshments, Twins games, participating in Feed My Starving Children and other activities for folks of all ages. The events are either free, a free will offering, or a slight fee to cover the expense of the outing. However, no one will be turned away for lack of funds.
The Outreach/Activity Committee is a small group of members that typically meets the second Monday of the month. The committee is always looking for additional members and is open for suggestions for future events. Feel free to contact Megan Peters or Jennifer Weese if you have questions or would like to join the fun! Megan can be reached at 952-237-0269 and Jen at 763-807-6657.
So if you don’t like policing what the kids are watching on TV, you’ve been accused of being a couch potato, you’re looking for friends or just want to have a good time with great people, check out our calendar for the next Outreach/Activity Committee event. We’d love to see you there!

Fall Festival included indoor/outdoor events for for all ages, bingo, cards, pumpkin decorating and lots of delicious food!

Christmas Party, and did we mention fun and plenty of FOOD!!!