
April 2021 Outreach Newsletter

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Our God is…Almighty

How strong are you? If you want to see incredible physical strength, watch “The World’s Strongest Man” competition. To win, the competitors have to do such demanding feats as lift 300-pound, round stones onto a pedestal, flip huge tires over and over, and pull large buses—in the least amount of time. Such strength pales in comparison to the almighty power of the one true God. God’s power isn’t limited to a competition, and he doesn’t use it to win prizes for himself. God uses his power for our benefit. The greatest proof of God’s almighty power is when Jesus was raised to life after being crucified. Jesus had the weight of the world on his back in the form of every sin of every person for all time. We rejoice because he was willing to lift the heavy weight of sin off us and endure the excruciating pain of dying on the cross in our place. Jesus was humbled, but only temporarily. Three days later, God showed his almighty power when Jesus became the only person to overcome sin, death, and hell. The Apostle Paul writes, “By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also” (1 Corinthians 6:14). Jesus won the victory of eternal life. He gives the hope of heaven to all people. Now that is a feat of strength! God is not done revealing his almighty power. On the Last Day, Jesus will return to earth to raise our bodies back to life and to reunite them with our souls. We may be weak, but God uses his strength for us. Trust in the power of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Worship with us during the Easter season. Together we can rejoice in God’s almighty power.