I’m tired of all the bad news. Can God help me see a solution to all the problems? Have you noticed the newspaper headlines and lead stories on the evening news lately? They don’t really change much over the years. Plenty of ink is spilled about wars, murders, rapes, or other forms of violent crime. Our eyes watch tornados, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes unfold before us on the airwaves. Life can often look pretty bleak in many parts of the world. But the problems aren’t just in other parts of the world. Sometimes the hurt, the pain, and the tragedies we often read or hear about actually invade our own personal lives. Being on the receiving end can lead us to blurt out in frustration: “Why are my neighbors so unfriendly? It’s almost as if they take a grumpy pill each morning.” “My marriage has been in a rut for months, and the possibility of it changing seems hopeless. Some days I wished I’d never walked down the aisle.” “Why did my mom have to develop cancer? She has been a health nut her whole life. It doesn’t seem fair.” “The kids are driving me nuts! It feels as though I have completely lost control.” “I’m so lonely that some days I honestly feel that I am the only one left in the world.” Life has its problems. Each of us has our problems. Death, sickness, broken promises, and severed relationships—do you ever get tired of all the bad news? It can lead us to wonder: “Is there a solution?” Yes, there is! It starts first with God helping us understand that all of life’s problems are really a symptom of the big problem of sin. The awesome news is that God freely gives us a complete solution to that problem of sin. After living and dying for us, Jesus rose again on Easter Sunday. He is the solution! God tells us that he has given us “new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3). Tired of the bad news? Come and learn about the good news of God’s solution to life’s problems. This news will never become old