I want to have more happiness in my life. Can God help me find it? We need to begin by asking, “What do we mean by happiness?” For a child, happiness might mean getting Christmas presents every morning and cake and ice cream for every meal. After a few days, though, it would stop being fun. Many adults think that money will make them happy. But we have seen many rich people who are unhappy and even depressed. Others might think that drugs and alcohol make them happy. But the “high” soon wears off. Finding happiness in the things and people of this world is an exercise in frustration. The Bible uses the word “blessed” to describe happiness. The blessings of God give us true happiness. The most important of God’s blessings is Jesus, whom he sent into this world. Jesus took the blame for everything we ever did wrong. That’s why he died on the cross—not because he did anything wrong, but because we did. Jesus has paid for our sins, and that means we are saved from God’s judgment of eternal death by believing in him. That makes us happy. Jesus blesses us with salvation. No matter how long we live, we are all destined to die. But when Jesus rose from the dead on Easter morning, he broke the hold of death. Even though we will one day die, by trusting in Jesus, we have the sure hope that we will also come back to life and live forever in heaven. That makes us happy. Jesus blesses us with eternal life. God even uses the tough times in life for our good—to teach us more about his love and strengthen our trust in him. No matter how tough life is for us, no matter how much pain we endure, and no matter how poor we are, no one and nothing can take away what Jesus did for us. Our sins are forgiven by God, and through faith in Jesus, eternal life in heaven is waiting for us. That makes us happy. Sometimes we smile through tears, but we can still smile. Can God help us find happiness? He has already given it to us through Jesus