Cemetery Information
Immanuel Lutheran Church maintains two cemeteries. One located directly on the north side of the church at the corner of Edmonson Avenue NE and Co Highway 35 (Old Cemetery). The seconded located across the street from the church on Edmonson Avenue NE just south of the parsonage (New Cemetery). We know how important it is for loved ones of those laid to rest in the cemetery to be able to locate their gravesites, so we have provided record of burials and their marker numbers. Also provided are our Rules and Regulations of our cemetery.
The first row in the Old Cemetery runs along Edmonson Avenue with the remaining twelve rows located to the east. Looking east from Edmonson Avenue, burial sites/markers are identified from the left of a row to the right.
The first row in the New Cemetery runs along the western edge of the cemetery. The remaining three rows are located to the east. Looking east to Edmonson Avenue, burial sites/markers are identified from the left of a row to the right.