God’s Encouraging Word …
when I wonder if I will go to heaven
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16
I saw my name on Santa’s list! I was so excited. I didn’t think it would be there. I got mad and hit my sister on Thanksgiving Day. I admitted my fault. Since then, I was very well behaved. After all, Santa brings good things to good boys, right? I saw MY name! I was getting a puppy for Christmas! I did it! I made up for my sin.
Christmas came and no puppy. I was crushed. I thought I deserved one. I thought Santa loved me. Was the name on Santa’s list someone else with the same name as mine? Did Santa think my apology was insincere? Was hitting my sister such a horrible thing that he would totally reject me? No puppy that Christmas. (It would be another 29 years before I got a puppy.)
What if God treated us like that? We would never be sure we are going to heaven. But God does not treat us like that, and we can be sure we are going to heaven. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son…”
Notice what God did not say. “God so loved the ones that don’t hit their sisters…” “God so loved the good ones… the top 50%… those who help themselves.” No, God loves sinners, all sinners, you and me. He loves the whole world.
God gave us the greatest gift of all. Jesus, God’s Son, came at Christmas to save the world from sin and hell. God gave us a gift only he can give—eternal life. God did that by sending Jesus into this world to live a life without sin. Jesus never hit his sister. He never even thought angry or insulting thoughts about anyone. Jesus was punished for all our sins, in our place. Jesus rose from the dead to guarantee our sins are paid for. He did this for the whole world. That includes you.
Jesus is the greatest gift ever given. Trusting him as your Savior, you can be certain you will go to heaven. Enjoy God’s gift of Jesus this Christmas.