I Need More…Joy
After hastily opening the wrapped package and making the obligatory thank yous, it certainly didn’t take long to turn away from the thoughtful gift as something ho hum.
Just then three-year-old Eleanor came along and stopping by the discarded item exclaimed, “Oh, my, what a beautiful gift! Is that yours? You must be so happy?” As she walked away I thought to myself, “Why don’t I have the joy of that little girl?”
At times we have those feelings which cause us to cry out, “I need more joy in my life!” That is so often true at this time of year when for one reason or another we find ourselves lacking joy. There are indications everywhere that joy should fill our lives. Decorations are going up inside and outside. Christmas music surrounds us, and cards are arriving daily.
Some days the festive joy fills our hearts as we excitedly go about our holiday shopping and schedule planning. Yet deep down we know that this joy will not last. Planning becomes overwhelming, schedules start falling apart, and decorating gets tiresome. Above all, we know from experience, there will be no joy when we find we don’t have enough money to purchase the perfect gift or when credit card payments come due. All of this leads us to shout out, “I need more joy! I need joy that will last!”
Here’s some great news. Christmas brings us joy that does last—the true joy found in Jesus.
With a love that we cannot comprehend, our heavenly Father gave his only Son, born to be our Savior. With perfect obedience Jesus lived the life all of us are unable to live. Each and every evil thought, evil word, and evil deed we have done has been picked from us by our heavenly Father and placed on Jesus. On Calvary’s cross, Jesus bowed his head in death declaring, “It is finished.” These words of Jesus bring us true joy. They mean that all is done and Easter’s announcement “He Is Risen!” guarantees that God our Father has accepted Jesus’ life and death as payment in full for all our sins. True joy is the forgiveness of sins that is ours through faith in Jesus.
While we are in the midst of the season when it seems hard to keep joy in our lives, focus on the true Joy Giver. Ponder again the words of the angels to the shepherds, “Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born. He is Christ the Lord.” Come and worship the Babe born in Bethlehem and may God the Holy Spirit fill you with a joy that never ends.