
December 2024

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The Perfect Pearl Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it” (Matthew 13:45,46). Have you found the perfect Christmas gift for that special someone yet? If so, what makes it perfect? Is it perfect because it’s unique, like handcrafted pottery? Is it perfect because it fits the personality of the individual for who you bought it, like a plaid shirt for the lumberjack in your family? What if you find the perfect gift only to discover that it’s beyond your budget? Would you sell your car, your house, everything you own to obtain THE perfect gift? Jesus once told a parable about a pearl-dealer whose goal was to find the perfect pearl. When he found it, he sold all that he owned so he could buy his treasured find. The perfect pearl represents the message of salvation found in the Bible. This message is perfect because it tells us everything we need to know for this life and the next. The Bible tells us that all have sinned and deserve God’s eternal punishment in hell. But the Bible also says that Jesus came to take that punishment―like your next-door neighbor paying for the fire damage that your hastily strung Christmas lights did to her house. Because of Jesus, our sins are paid for and forgiven! This message is not only perfect; it’s one of a kind. There are plenty of places you can look for the answers to life’s questions, but the only place you’ll find the perfect pearl is in the Bible. We would be glad to share with you the treasure that God has for us in his Word. The Bible appears to be like any other book, but within there is a precious message that exceeds everything we’ve known. It’s like the person who pries open a dull clamshell and finds a glowing pearl nestled within that’s worth more than any other. A pearl in a clamshell! That’s often how God works. He comes to us in unlikely places to give us his love. Could that be illustrated any more beautifully than it is at Christmas? At Christmas, the Son of God, our Savior, was born in a barn! And then this Jesus willingly gave up his life on the cross to pay for our sins and win us a place in heaven. This message is God’s priceless, perfect gift for us!