
Fishers is a “youth-orientated” program that was organized in April 1993 for girls and boys from first grade through high school. Activities vary and include indoor and outdoor fun, sports, crafts, cooking, eating and seasonal fun. A devotion and/or mini-Bible study is always included and usually related to that month’s activity.
The group generally meets the third Monday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monthly postcards with details are sent to member families with Sunday bulletin inserts inviting the entire congregation to join the fun (no matter their age) and keeping them informed of its activities.
The congregation’s children are welcomed and urged to attend Fishers and invite their friends to participate as well. Participants need not be members of Immanuel to attend.
The program is generally free with some activities requesting co-pays (i.e. bowling) although no one is denied participation because of inability to pay.
Fishers have assumed the responsibility of hosting Immanuel’s annual Palm Sunday Breakfast. A free will offering for the event serves as a fund-raiser for the group with excess funds donated back to the congregation’s general fund. Members help make and serve the breakfast which is served immediately following the Palm Sunday service.