Have a headache? Take two leeches and call me in the morning. If you consult a medical text from a couple of centuries ago, that may be the remedy you find. Today a textbook would probably tell you to pop a couple of aspirin. Tomorrow… Lasers? Magnetics? Who knows what advancements or discoveries will change how a simple headache is treated? It is amazing how much the science of medicine has changed even over the course of the last hundred years. How will we ever know when we have really found the answers? 66 – 40 – 1500 – 1: What do those numbers mean? The Bible is made up of 66 books that were written by 40 writers over the course of 1500 years. But in all of those books, only one message is found. The message? We have a problem (and it isn’t a simple headache). Our problem is our sin and the guilt that it brings. That one message is also about the remedy for our problem—God sent Jesus, a perfect Savior, to die for our sin and guilt. Now believers in Jesus have the promise of eternal life in heaven. That simple message of salvation is repeated throughout the Bible, from Moses’ writing in Genesis to the writings of the apostle John in Revelation. How amazing that so many different writers from different times record a single message that reveals the world’s only true Savior from sin! Maybe it isn’t all that amazing. “For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, through human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Peter 1:21). The very same God who loved us enough to send his own Son to die for us made sure that we would know about Jesus by having his message written down. Because God had men record his Word, the Bible is unlike any other book. We are told that “all Scripture is God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16). God himself spoke through, breathed into these writers, so their words are really God’s Word. Since the Bible is God’s Word, we can trust that it is true. God is speaking to us through the words that he caused to be written in the Bible. Join us for worship, where we gather to hear what important things, he has to say to all of us .