
January 2023

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I’m not satisfied with the way things are going in my life. Can God help me be more fulfilled? About this time of the year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions. We make them because there is some area of our lives that we would like to change. We want to stop doing something (overeating, smoking, drinking) and start doing something else (being a better parent, doing a better job at work, living a healthier lifestyle). Can we find satisfaction in keeping our resolutions? Maybe, at least, we can for awhile. Usually, most people end up breaking their resolutions. Then what kind of emotions set in? Frustration: “Oh, I can’t believe it is January 5th, and I am already back to my same old unhealthy diet.” Despair: “I am never going to be able to stop doing that (whatever that may be).” Failure: “Why even try? There is no way I will ever be able to do it. I’m a loser.” There is another problem that causes us to feel a lack of satisfaction and fulfillment in our lives. We can’t control things. The storm hits and causes damage to the roof—expensive damage. The interest rates go up and cause that loan to be a little more stressful to pay off. The boss decides that he is going to give the other person the promotion even though you worked harder and did better work. Do we wonder if we can ever find true and lasting satisfaction in this kind of world? Thank God the answer is a resounding “YES.” In Psalm 107:9, God tells us that “he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” Here is the catch, but it is a good one. The “good things” God gives us are not the good things we normally are looking for. Certainly, God can give us a good job, the willpower to keep our resolutions, and the good fortune not to have unforeseen accidents come into our lives. However, those things are minor compared to the real “food” that God gives us. God truly satisfies us and gives us fulfillment in life when he shows us, in his Word, that we have a Savior in Jesus. No job, no relationship, no possession, or no person can give us the satisfaction and fulfillment God offers us in Jesus. In Jesus, we are assured of the forgiveness of our sins. In Jesus, we know that God is our loving Father. In Jesus, we are confident that we will be in heaven one day because of what he has done for us. Jesus lived and died for you. He has opened heaven to you. Believe in him and find the peace and fulfillment he wants you to have in this life and in the one to come