
July 2023

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I’m looking for faithful friendships. Can God help me in my search? Have you ever longed for a solid friendship? Have you ever wondered if there’s a friend out there that you can count on? It’s no secret that true friendship is a rare thing. That’s not to say there aren’t people who will pay attention to us! The world is full of people who will be our friend as long as they feel we have something to offer. But what about that friend who sticks by us, even when we’re at the end of our rope? What about the one who cares about us, even when we have nothing to give? Is it possible that God could provide such a friendship? Certainly, God has a good track record of providing friendships to those in need. When David was under attack by King Saul, he found a faithful friend in the person of Jonathan, Saul’s son. The Bible tells us that Jonathan “loved David as he loved himself” (1 Samuel 20:17) and even defended David against his father’s attacks. We’re also told that the apostle Paul had several friends that attended him while he was in prison. They were of great help to him at a time when he really needed a friend. But even during those times when true friendship seems far away, there is one friend who will stick by us no matter what! That person is God’s one and only Son, Jesus. There’s a verse in the Bible that says, “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). What a beautiful description of Jesus’ friendship for us. Just think! Even when we sinned, Jesus didn’t abandon us. Instead, he stood in our place, taking our sin and guilt for us and then giving his life for ours to set us free from eternal death! Jesus also earned a place for us in God’s family. By faith in him, we have the privilege of being heirs of his promised heaven. And he did it all because he loved us even more than he loved his own life. Looking for a faithful friendship? Simply look to Jesus! His friendship will never end