
June 2019 Newsletter

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I Need More…REST

People put in many hours of work each week. Weeknight evenings are filled with activities for children and meetings of all sorts. When the weekend rolls around, there are many activities that we want to participate in. There are sports for children, recreation for families, and leisurely interests for individuals. Hours on Saturday are taken up by home improvement projects or needed maintenance. By the end of it all we are tired.

Finally, it is Sunday morning, a day of rest, and I get to sleep in. It is the one morning that if I don’t get out of bed, my work will not call, and my children will not bother me. Nothing much happens on Sunday morning, so it is a good time to relax. I get so tired during the week. I need more rest and Sunday seems to be the perfect day to get it. If I sleep in on Sunday morning, I may be well rested physically but spiritually I am exhausted.

On the front wall of the church where I grew up is this Bible passage. “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Those are Jesus’ words. It is his invitation to provide rest, not for our bodies but for our souls. There were plenty of times I walked into that church physically tired, but I always received rest for my soul.

I heard a message about my sin and Jesus’ forgiveness. I was reminded every time that I had real rest in Jesus. I had the rest of a clear conscience because Jesus took my sin away with his death and resurrection. I had the rest of knowing that when I die, I will rest eternally with Jesus. I had the rest of knowing that the same Savior who loved me enough to die for me is ruling all things in this world for me, and for the benefit of all his people.

Such a busy life! It makes you wish you could have more rest. You do! In Jesus you have the rest you truly need. The church may not have that Bible passage printed on the wall, but through the Word of God you hear, you will receive rest for your soul in Jesus. Next Sunday morning, come and get some rest with us at church. It is good for your soul.