
May 2019 Newsletter

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Meet Doug. As he toes the line for the final game of his senior year basketball season, he wonders if his scholarship dream is going to happen.

Meet Kristin. As she graduates from college, she wonders if she’s adequate for her new job.

Meet Samantha. As she faces her second round of chemotherapy, she wonders if she’s going to live.

Meet Scott. As he says his vows to his wife, he silently wonders if his second marriage is going to last.

Have you been there? Doug, Kristin, Samantha, Scott, you and I all have one thing in common: we need confidence. Let’s face it; there are times in life that it’s easy to be filled with doubt. Doug doubted his future. Kristin doubted her abilities. Samantha doubted her treatment. Scott doubted his love.

But there’s One whose future, abilities, treatment, and love never fail. That’s the true God revealed to us in the Bible. Our confidence to face whatever life throws our way comes from the promises God gives us in his Word. God kept his promise of sending a Savior for everyone. As our Savior, Jesus lived perfectly to give us confidence that his life counts for everyone. He died to make the payment necessary for our sins to be forgiven, no matter what we’ve done. He rose again to give us the confidence that one day we will be with him in heaven. And all this is God’s free gift by faith in Jesus.

Because of Jesus, when we doubt our future, God reminds us, “I know the plans that I have for you” (Jeremiah 29:11). When we doubt our abilities, he assures us, “I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you” (Isaiah 41:10). When we doubt our treatment plan, he promises, “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). When we doubt love, his Word helps us “grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ” (Ephesians 3:18). That’s the difference only Jesus makes.

Need more confidence? Jesus has what you need.