Mary, the mother of Jesus, received the angel’s announcement that her son would be the Son of God and the King of God’s people (Luke 1: 32). What amazement must have filled her heart! Yet Simeon’s prophecy would also come true, that a sword would pierce Mary’s heart. What agony must have filled her spirit as she gazed on her son being tortured to death! But then came his glorious resurrection, proving that he is the eternal Son of God and that he fully accomplished his heavenly Father’s plan of salvation for the world.
The risen Lord Jesus appeared to many people proving that he was alive. Forty days after his resurrection, Jesus returned to heaven. His ascension is celebrated in the Christian church on the fortieth day after Easter. This year Ascension Day falls on May 5th.
While churches may or may not have a special worship service on the actual day that Jesus’ ascension is observed every year, Christians always glorify our living, ascended Savior. We lift up our voices in praise of Jesus who was lifted up to the highest honor of heaven. Our hearts are filled with the excitement of Jesus’ ascension as the Bible relates in Philippians 2:9-11:
God exalted [Christ Jesus] to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Having fully accomplished the work of salvation, Jesus returned to heaven and now reigns in the highest position of all authority. And he proclaimed, “I will come back” (John 14:3). Eventually, everyone will know the truth that Jesus is the eternal Son of God who came to be the world’s Savior. He return will be the most fearful time for those who rejected Jesus in unbelief. They will be sent away to eternal punishment in hell.
The Lord Jesus, however, wants people to have life with him forever in heaven. So before he ascended into heaven, he commanded that the good news of the salvation he won by his death and resurrection be proclaimed to everyone.
That good news is for you too! Jesus is your Savior. One day, perhaps soon, he will return from heaven. How will you meet him? By trusting in Jesus who rescued you from eternal death, you can join the people who will be rejoicing to see Jesus in all of his glory. At his return, he will take all believers to the place he prepared for them in heaven. What an awesome ascension day that will be!