
October 2023

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I’m facing a crisis. Can God help me through it? No one really likes it. Yet it happens to all of us time and again. I’m talking about a crisis. You don’t see it coming. You have no control over it. You’re not even sure what step to take next— much less knowing all the necessary steps to take to bring it to an end. That’s a crisis. What do you do in a time of crisis? Who do you go to for help? Who helps you understand what’s going on and why? Who do you lean on for strength and support? Who carries you through those times of crisis to better and brighter days? From my experience, there is only one person who can really help every time. I’m talking about our Savior God, Jesus Christ. Jesus once said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). When a crisis hits, I remember these “tell it like it is” words of Jesus. He reminds you and me that we shouldn’t be surprised by times of trouble and crisis in our lives. In truth, he says we should expect that these times will come. Why? We live in a world filled with crisis— brought on by our own mistakes as well as the failures of others. All of our troubles remind us that our greatest crisis isn’t about money, health, national security, or personal safety. The greatest crisis we face—a crisis of our own making—is a broken relationship with our Creator God. How do we handle that crisis? We don’t. We can’t. But Jesus does. Jesus is the one who has overcome the world and the crises we face in it. He did it by living in a perfect relationship with his heavenly Father for you and me. Jesus settled the crisis of our rebellion before God when he died in our place. Through Jesus, we are restored into a right relationship with God. Jesus says, “I have told you these things, so that you may have peace” (John 16:33). Through Jesus, you are on God’s side. Through Jesus, God will help you overcome every crisis that comes your way