Sunday School

- to study the law and the gospel to see our sinfulness and also our salvation through Christ,
- to be motivated to lead Christian lives,
- to share our saving faith with others and
- to continually study and grow in our faith.
Throughout the year, children in Sunday School work on songs, skits and scriptural readings for use during church services. These include:
- Songs/skits learned in Sunday School for our Thanksgiving Day service.
- Confirmation-age children are invited to read a text and light Advent wreath candles at the beginning of the Sunday services during Advent.
- Children’s Christmas Eve Program is performed entirely by Sunday School students. Rehearsals for this program begin on Saturday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. beginning the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
- Confirmation-age children are invited to read a text associated with a PowerPoint presentation used during the Wednesday evening Lenten services which describe the events of Holy Week.
Sunday School is free. Each Sunday attendance and a plate offering is taken during Sunday School. Sunday School envelopes will be provided to the students to teach and encourage the children to make giving for the Lord’s work a part of their lives. Participation in Sunday School will never be based on these offerings. Sunday School offerings are typically sent to a Mission Project selected by the students.