“Where do I begin?” is a question I have often asked. Whether it’s building a barbeque pit, fixing the kitchen sink, or helping my children with school projects, I have often asked, “Where do I begin?” and, “How can I finish?” The same can be true of reading your Bible. It helps to have a plan and know what to look for. To begin with, realize that the Bible is a special book. In fact, it is the most special of all the books ever written. The Bible was given to us by God as he enabled men to write down the very words and thoughts of God. With that in mind, ask God to help you understand what he is saying when you read it. Second, understand the purpose of why God gave us the Bible. The apostle Paul writes, “Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” The Apostle John wrote, “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” The purpose of the Bible is to give us hope and life. When you read it, look for the true hope that God offers you in Christ. Look for everlasting life that God promises to his people—to you and me through his Son Jesus. Third, you might ask, “Where do I start?” I suggest you read Genesis, where God gives life and hope to real people who really lived in ancient times. Then I suggest you read one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John) to learn more about Jesus, the promised Son of God. From there, you may read the Psalms, which are prayers and hymns of God’s people. You may also read Acts, where the story of the early Christian church is told. Read Romans and the other letters that follow it. Though these were written 2,000 years ago, they are still fitting for us today. At times, the Bible will trouble or confuse you. But as you read it, continue to focus on Jesus through whom God gives us life and hope. And if you would like some help understanding the Bible, we can help. Please give us a call .