Christmas is a time for searching. People go from one store to another in search of one specific gift. When they finally find that special present, they feel a sense of relief and accomplishment. What are you looking for this Christmas season? Many of us spend a lot of time looking but not finding. We look for peace in our lives, but the strains of work and stresses of our relationships bring tension and turmoil. We look for understanding about why our lives have taken the direction they have only to be left pondering and wondering. We look for happiness but find only sorrow. We ask the question, “What’s life all about?” We wonder, “What have I accomplished?” We are left searching for answers. All life’s questions really boil down to one. Those who have found the answer to this question also have the answers to the question of peace, understanding, and happiness. This question may be asked more at this time of year than at any other. If your life needs meaning, peace, understanding, and happiness, then you need to first ask the big question: “Where can I find God?” Long ago some ordinary blue-collar workers— some shepherds—were presented with the answer. These shepherds were told that the world’s Savior was born in the small town of Bethlehem. Was it true? They went to investigate. And they found God! “When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger” (Luke 2:15,16). Where can we find God? The Bible takes us back to Bethlehem, where we join the shepherds in beholding the Son of God who took on our human nature and was born into the world. He came to seek and save all of us who had lost our connection with God. He came to give us the answer for finding God. We find God through him because he is the Savior who has opened the way to life with God. No more searching. Jesus is the answer for finding God .