Our Church
Immanuel Lutheran Church is a small congregation of just over 200 souls. We’ve been in this same rural location since 1890. Many of our members have family that date back to the origins of this congregation. Although we have been through many changes over the past 125+ years, one thing that has never changed is What We Believe.
Sunday service is at 9:30 am, followed during the school year by adult Bible class and Sunday school, both at 10:30 am.
Immanuel does not have its own Christian day school, but Salem, Greenfield, MN, our neighboring congregation does. Immanuel supports them with donations and some of our families’ children attend school there. Salem has five teachers for grades K-8, and they’re just nine miles away.
What about high school students? We’ve got you covered. Along with 18 other WELS congregations, Immanuel supports West Lutheran High School, located in Plymouth, MN , about 20 miles from here. WLHS is a small school with an excellent academic record.
For all girls and boys from first through 12th grades, Immanuel has a youth program called the Fishers. The group generally meets the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The planned activities vary from sports nights to crafting to projects for church plus a Bible study. You don’t need to be a member of Immanuel to attend.
Do you have some free time on your hands? Do you like volunteer work? Then you might be interested in helping out at the Wise Penny Thrift Shoppe in Buffalo. Wise Penny is a nonprofit charitable organization whose primary purpose is to support West Lutheran High School, Christian Life Ministries, and Lutheran Institutional Ministry Association (LIMA). Wise Penny is supported by area WELS congregations, including Immanuel.
Ladies Fellowship meets the second Tuesday of every month. Among their many activities, Immanuel’s Ladies Fellowship helps serve lunches for special events, decorate the church for holidays, and to assist families at funerals. In addition they manage Cradle Roll, a support network to provide parents with materials, support and guidance in the role they assume with a new baby.
Immanuel’s adult choir meets in the fall and spring usually on Friday evenings to prepare to sing at our Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter services. All confirmed men and women are invited to participate.
We have a host of other committees and organizations for you to participate in as the Holy Spirit moves you. Please check out our website for additional information on our Outreach/Activity Committee, Endowment Fund, Jesus Cares, Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society and Vacation Bible School to name a few.
Comments, questions, or suggestions about our church, ministries, resources, activities or our web site can be directed to any one of the individuals located on the contact page.